Media-Extractor is developed as completely free open-source software under the MIT license.
If you want to adapt the software or to contribute to it, you can check out the code on the GitHub page of Media-Extractor.
If you want to adapt the software or to contribute to it, you can check out the code on the GitHub page of Media-Extractor.
The project is provided as Visual Studio solution in the format version 12 (VS 2012) but can be opened in any newer version of the IDE.
AdonisUI and AdonisUI.ClassicTheme
NanoXLSX (for TranslationHelper project)
Mono.Options (for TranslationHelper project)
TranslationHelper (import/export utility, used for the translation of Media-Extractor)
InstallerBootstrap (utility to post-build the installer script after building Media-Extractor)
MediaExtractorInstaller (Inno Setup project to create the installer file)